had some really interesting things to say. Gordy says winning with the running game in the first 7 games was kind of fools gold and that when the tigers faced stiffer SEC defenses we simply weren't able to win against top SEC Teams with the lack of balance of our offense. I know some of you are going to come on and say that there wasn't a lack of balance because there were multiple games where we threw the ball a lot. Well the bottom line is when it got down to the nuts and bolts we weren't a balanced offense when it counted and it cost us games. The other response I often hear is that our offense simply has to execute. Of course that's true, but if they aren't executing isn't it up to the coaches to see why and make adjustments that correct for the reasons the offense isn't executing. I say all these things because it is the one big worry that I have about our predictable offense and in my opinion would be the reason the team wouldn't be successful this year. I like everyone else hope that Brandon Harris is more mature and makes good decisions that allows our offense to function at a high level. We will all just have to wait and see. Geaux Tigers
Sorry, but this thread is very similar to SDT2008 thread, so just respond to his thread and will suffice my concerns.
Sorry, but this thread is very similar to SDT2008 thread, so just respond to his thread and will suffice my concerns.
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