Miss State had to set some record today when they ran 86 plays vs Alabama(didn't score a touchdown)
and actually outgained alabama by 14 yards even though Alabama had 3 explosive plays in the game(netting
200 yards on those 3 plays).The guy is youthful,knows how to call a game,and is a winning coach in a town named Starkville.They may have trouble getting up as well for Arkansas next week,but Lsu's at a point where they need a young successful coach that can at least energize the fan base.their must have been 20000
no- shows at a really important sec game-and judging by today's results a win would have put Lsu in the thick
of the final 4.
The special teams play,the horrendous blocking,and the bad angles the defense is taking- to me looks like
some bad coaching issues.
and actually outgained alabama by 14 yards even though Alabama had 3 explosive plays in the game(netting
200 yards on those 3 plays).The guy is youthful,knows how to call a game,and is a winning coach in a town named Starkville.They may have trouble getting up as well for Arkansas next week,but Lsu's at a point where they need a young successful coach that can at least energize the fan base.their must have been 20000
no- shows at a really important sec game-and judging by today's results a win would have put Lsu in the thick
of the final 4.
The special teams play,the horrendous blocking,and the bad angles the defense is taking- to me looks like
some bad coaching issues.