I've been doing a bit of digging since my post the other night just to try and see if there were any legs to the rumors. Reached out to some sources close to the UNC program and have confirmed that Sumerall is a target for UNC and that members of their search committee spoke with him via Zoom earlier this week. I'm told that Summerall, Matt Campbell and Bill Belichick are the three main candidates with Belichick being at the top of that list at this time and an announcement could come as soon as Sunday.
Based on everything I've heard over the last 24-48 hours; UNC is going to make Belichick tell them no. But there seems to be a lot of optimism that they can close the deal and get him to UNC. Should he tell them no, then Sumerall would be an immediate name to watch. So we'll monitor the situation and if we hear anything more we'll keep you updated.
Just wanted to keep you guys informed, due to the dominoes that could come into play if it does end up being Sumerall.